French Verbs - 'ER' continued

 Hi all

In my previous video and blog, I have talked about the verb 'Parler'. 

Hope you all have a clear understanding of this verb and also its meaning.

Did you all practice this verb by forming small sentences ? I really hope so.

Here below, I am describing a few verbs which belong to same group  so that it will help you to improve your vocabulary and also help you to  form simple sentences on your own. Please do so and converse with your friends and families. In this manner, you can start to communicate in French.

In order to improve our way of learning I am narrating a small story

In the above story, we have seen a few verbs, but here I will be describing the following verbs:

Fêter & Partager

Now let us conjugate  these verbs

So today, we have learnt how to conjugate two more verbs in Present Tense. 
On top, we have also used them in forming simple sentences.
I request that you also do the same. 

In case you have any clarifications, please post them in the comment section below and I shall be very happy to respond to them.

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